domingo, 4 de diciembre de 2011


sábado, 6 de agosto de 2011

Inkscape 0.48 Ilustrator´s Cookbook perfect for beginners and professionals ink.

Inskcape in recent years has appeared as a clear alternative to programs convecionales graphic design and little by little in each new version that went out the programmers have managed to correct past mistakes. But the new version 0.48 has achieved a stable program that amply satisfies the basic concepts of vector design to create quality images and competent in the market.

If you're a graphic designer restless and want to find out how Inkscape finds its strength in the simplicity with which the nodes are edited with respect to other programs in the same family as well as find a decent free license holder responsible to meet demand in the design market, please Querying this book and make a hollowin your library.

Illustrator's Cookbook Inkscape 0.48 is a complete manual for professional design and vector illustration for those who want to learn to use the program quickly and easily. Lays the foundation in the use of methodological tools to create a plane vectored by the continued use of smart keyboard shortcuts that make dream a reality work flow for an illustrator / designer with such programs. Addition, the reader will find inside 119 tutorials as a recipe which will allow the user to have a quick reference to resolve any problem or question put to him the time of making a vector image with Inkscape.

Personally I have been working with this program and I have adapted the philosophy of the program to my work as an illustrator and cartoonist. In my blog:  where you can can see many images taken with this program and videos to confirm a different way to model the vectors and greatly facilitates the work of designer / illustrator that less tedious and productive at the same time.
Today not conceive my daily work without this program. Inkscape  0.48 Illustrator's Cookbook I wish much success Cookbook sales to keep growing the user community in addition to the interest in the use of free software license, which undoubtedly will have a long and prosperous life if they continue doing things as well as now.

sábado, 12 de febrero de 2011


En este articulo reflejo mi pequeñas aportaciones en el periódico del Canary News, experiencia que me gusta compartir con los blogueros con la intención de intercambiar opiniones sobre la ilustración dentro de los medios de comunicación. De momento estos son mis primeros pinitos en la materia y me cargan de mucha motivación para seguir aportando ideas y nuevas maneras de desarrollar este trabajo. Aqui les dejo en elace por si quereis seguir via on line la edición impresa
Lenguaje visual en campañas electorales The Canary News Edición 47.

lunes, 17 de enero de 2011


Fieles a la cita bimensual, y tras cerrarse el plazo el pasado 30 de diciembre de 2010, y a tienen disponible para descarga el fanzine.

Un año da para mucho.... incluso a veces para demasiado, pero no es el caso.
2010 ha sido el año en que vió la luz y en el que hemos encontrado un amplio número de seguidores de la página y co-partícipes de este proyecto de fanzine. En el 2011 esperan nuevas temáticas, nuevas entrevistas, nuevos contenidos, nuevos retos..... un crecimiento que esperemos guste a todos.